Locham Yisrael - לוחם ישראל
Random thoughts about current events with an emphasis on the Middle East.


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Location:  Earth
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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Creeping Toms

Posted on: Saturday, February 13, 2010

So, the supreme Muslim organization of America has decreed that Muslims should not be subjected to full-body scans at airports because that contravenes some vaunted Islamic precept. Ah yes: "Islam highly emphasizes [modesty] and considers it part of faith."

I guess we infidel perverts who do not object to being scanned are all a bunch of bestial exhibitionists who have no shame or modesty. The hubris of these people is just stupefying.

Well, I say: If you don't want to be scanned, then walk, drive, take a bus/train, swim or stay at home. But fly you ain't. We should not be wasting yet more resources to accommodate these people who, you will recall, are the main reason heightened airport security measures became necessary in the first place!

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