Locham Yisrael - לוחם ישראל
Random thoughts about current events with an emphasis on the Middle East.


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Location:  Earth
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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Confucius say: FUCK OFF ALREADY!!!

Posted on: Saturday, February 27, 2010

Well, something called the chief of police of Dubai - a guy who makes Inspector Clouseau look like Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes combined - graced us with another appearance today. Here he is:
Chief of police of Dubai
Doesn't he just inspire you with heaps of confidence? Heaven help you if you ever need police help in Dubai!

He spent the past couple of weeks showcasing his detective skills on a daily basis. Practically every day he revealed footage of yet another individual suspected of "murdering" or abetting the "murder" of a 7amas scumbag. None of his discoveries implicate the Institute in the killing in any way, let alone prove anything, but let not that get in the way of a good "Jooz-dun-it" story.

Anyway, so today the raghead directly challenged the director of the Institute to either confirm or deny Israel was involved in the dispatch of Al-Mabhouh who, remember, was a senior member of a terrorist organization and actually proven to have been directly involved in a number of murders of innocent people. That is quite funny because the Emiratis refuse to recognize the State of Israel, i.e. to them Israel--and hence presumably the Institute, as an organ of Israel--do not exist. Why is he addressing someone who "doesn't exist"? It's a logical fallacy. Ya3ani.

This is getting boring, and the West is, again, playing along instead of letting the matter drop. An arch-terrorist was terminated. Mazal tov and yishar ko7ahem to whoever did it. Let's spend a few days celebrating and then get back to work.

Whoever did it sent an unequivocal message: Fuck with Jews and sooner or later you WILL be found and you WILL be canceled. The monkey in Tehran, the asswipe in Lebanon and a few others would do well to take good note.

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