Locham Yisrael - לוחם ישראל
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      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Location:  Earth
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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Great humanitarianism hath no man...

Posted on: Monday, May 31, 2010

So, up to two dozen "humanitarian activists" have been terminated by the Israeli commandos when the latter descended on the former's vessels illegally bound for 3Aza. There were six such vessels. On five of them no resistance was offered and no casualties were sustained. On the sixth the "humanitarians" attacked the boarding forces, resulting in six injuries to our soldiers and the aforementioned casualties among the "activists."

The self-righteous Euros are up in arms. Sweden, Greece and Spain (all bastions of left-wing lunacy) have recalled the Israeli envoys and something called "baroness" Ashton of the E.U. proto-state department is apoplectic with rage.

My questions:
(1) Since when does a "humanitarian convoy" include 600 "activists"?
(2) Since when does a "humanitarian activist's" equipment include knives, axes and bats?
(3) Why did the activists sail from Turkey and not from, say, Egypt? (Answer: The Egyptians, Palestinian Arab brothers, would not have allowed it. They'd probably have sunk the ships!)
(4) Why did the "humanitarians" not try to enter Gaza via Egypt? (Answer: (A) The Egyptians would not have allowed it, and (B) the "humanitarians" would have gotten no photo opportunity.)
(5) Why do the "humanitarians" no organize "aid convoys" to Sudan, Congo, Yemen and a dozen other places in far dire need than Gaza? (Answer: No Israel is the picture there, so no brownie points and no photo op.)

Face it: These are not kindhearted humanitarians who care about the welfare of the people of Gaza. They are shameless opportunistic hypocrites and terrorists who went on this expedition fully intent on physical conflict with the Israeli Army.

They got their just desserts.

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