Locham Yisrael - לוחם ישראל
Random thoughts about current events with an emphasis on the Middle East.


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Location:  Earth
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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E unum pluribus?

Posted on: Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yesterday’s anniversary of the Islamofascists’ opening shot in its war against freedom was described as the most divisive yet in the United States.

And it’s true. Yesterday WAS divisive and do you want to know why? 9/11 is "divisive" because the bleeding-heart liberals in America equate tolerance with appeasement and pandering.

As most of you know, I don't have time for religion, whether "pastor" Jones’ or "imam" Abdurauf’s, but fact is that Islam is the most belligerent and intolerant mass philosophy present in the world today. Plus, its adherents and apologists demand concessions and treatment they are not willing to reciprocate.

Xians (and Jews, Hindus and others) are prohibited from even assembling in Saudi Arabia (a couple of years ago mutaween stormed a private house where a handful of Indian Xians had gathered for a private prayer meeting, brutalized most of those present, jailed them and then deported them), let alone constructing a building; yet "they" want to construct an Islamic center practically on the site of mass murder committed in the very name of Islam. And they're assisted in it by individuals supposedly advocating freedom and coexistence. The mind boggles.

I hope that one day all artificial borders among human disappear, including states, nationalities, religions, etc. In the meantime though, respect and acceptance among the different groups has to be a two-way street.

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