Locham Yisrael - לוחם ישראל
Random thoughts about current events with an emphasis on the Middle East.


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Location:  Earth
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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Tunis, Tunis

Posted on: Saturday, January 15, 2011

I thought to write a few words in light of the recent developments in Tunisia.

I am profoundly sad about what is happening there. I vacationed in Tunisia a few years ago and it is BY FAR my favorite M.E.N.A. destination; indeed, easily one of my top spots globally. It's beautiful, tidy, civilized, with lovely, educated and moderate people. It's the only place anywhere in the region where I felt comfortable enough to wear a kipah and disclose I was a Jew. I also met a delightful Tunisia lady a year later who is still a very good friend and who--despite having worked as an Islamic teacher--has been undergoing the conversion process to Judaism as a result of meeting me and who will stand before the bet din later this year.

Anyway, the regime will change though whether the country transforms into a democracy remains to be seen. More importantly, the events there must have every two-bit despot in the Middle East shaking in their boots. Dictatorships always fail. Today it's Ben Ali, tomorrow it will be the execrable Qadafi, the day after the loathsome Al-Sauds. I just hope they are not replaced by something worse: Africa and places like Pakistan being the most chastening examples.

I sincerely hope the situation resolves itself in the best way possible for that wonderful country...

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